Monday, March 17, 2008


In December of 2007 I bought a 2006 Ford Mustang from Yorkdale Ford in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It was a demo model v6 with about 18,000 kms. I had some minor problems with it through the year but for the most part Yorkdale Ford took care of them. At the beginning of this year I started having clutch problems. At about 58,000 kms I brought the car in and asked them to have a look at it. They promised they'd take my car apart and have a look but when I went in they just took it for a quick spin and told me that I had a clutch problem. They informed me that clutches were not covered by warranty because they are "wear items" and that I would have to cover the cost of the replacement myself unless there was some other factor that had caused premature wear on the clutch. I agreed because I was fairly certain that there must be some other mitigating factor causing my clutch to wear. My previous two vehicles didn't require clutch replacement until well over 250,000 kms. My driving habits are almost entirely highway driving which is very easy on a clutch.

The dealership ordered the part and I was told that it'd be a few days before it arrived and that I would be called. When I received no response from the dealership I called again. I was told that the part was still on order and that they'd call me as soon as they got it. after a week and a half with no pert I went in to the dealership. It was at this time I found our that there were no parts available and wouldn't be until June, 2008 because of quality problems with the parts so they had to be shipped back to the point of manufacture, in Turkey. Yes, Turkey the country. At any rate the dealership wouldn't take apart the drivetrain without a replacement part because they can't knowingly re-install a defective part, my guess is that it'd be a safety risk. This means that I can't even get Ford to look at my clutch without voiding the warranty. I was told that my only option left was to contact the Ford Head Office in Oakville Ontario.


Anonymous said...

I too have a problem with a Ford Lincoln 2002 KS, repaired at the dealer
How do I put a complaint on here?

Anonymous said...
